profilbilde Patricia Gomez

Patricia Gomez

Patricia Gomez er Senior Manager i avdelingen Civic Art i Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture.

Gomez vil snakke om implementeringen av programmet Public Art in Private Development, som hun er ansvarlig for. Her samarbeider myndighetene med private eiendomsutviklere om kunst og kulturtiltak finansiert gjennom en avsetning på én prosent av eiendomsutviklernes byggebudsjetter.

Gomez har implementert forordningens retningslinjer og prosedyrer, og utviklet de administrative prosessene for programmet. Før hennes fylkesstilling ledet hun offentlige kunstprosjekter innen jernbanesektoren for LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro). Før hun begynte i LA Metro arbeidet hun i Los Angeles City hvor hun administrerte Arts Development Fee (Privat Prosent for Art), City Art Collection og Murals-programmer.

Gomez manages the Public Art in Private Development Program as Civic Art Senior Manager for the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, where she implemented the Ordinance’s policy and procedures, and developed the administrative processes for the launch of the program.

Prior to her County position, she managed public art projects within rail stations during a tenure with the LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro). Prior to LA Metro, she was with the City of Los Angeles where she managed the Arts Development Fee (Private Percent for Art), City Art Collection, and Murals Programs. 

Gomez will talk about the implementation of the Public Art in Private Development program, for which she is responsible. Here, the authorities collaborate with private property developers on art and cultural initiatives financed through an allocation of one percent of the property developers' construction budgets.